Ole kommt aus dem Berliner Umland und ist studierter Gartenbauwissenschaftler. Seine Interessen liegen in den Bereichen Politik, Weltgeschehen, Sport und Technik. Durch die "Vielfalt der Wissensform" möchte er seinen Horizont erweitern.


Fragmente-digitaler-vermittlung aims to put the term digital intermediation of scientific and artistic subjects into context through interdisciplinary work between students. Combining multiperspectivity and clarity is a main goal identified by the contributors of the project. We want to make sure that everyone can contribute to the collection. Thus the collected notes are written in different languages and are made available to everyone with google-translator. Every language is an art in itself and contains diverse “langues” and “paroles” (Ferdinand de Saussaure). Keeping the notes in the original language connects them with the linguistic thought-process of the author. The keywords of the landing page were chosen by students of various subject areas and are open to additions.

Posted by OH, 21. Jun 2019